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Denise Kohlmeyer


“Why don’t you Google that,” is what I’d often tell my kids when they asked a question I didn’t know the answer to, which was quite often. But Google seems to know everything! You can find almost every answer to any question with just the tapping of a few keys.

But God is not Google when it comes to certain questions we may have. LIke, "Why is this illness not going away?" Or "Why can't I find a job?" Or "Why did my marriage fall apart?" Or "Why is my child rebelling?"

We can search and question all we want to, like Job, but in the end we come to the conclusion that there may not be an answer. More importantly, we find that the answer is simply God Himself.


In fact, God is the only answer. His presence is the answer to our aching, searching heart. And He asks only that we sit quietly and just be, without agenda, without ulterior motive, without any kind of transactional bargaining: “God if you just..., I’ll….”


The answer is as simple as this promise: “I am with you always. I will never leave you nor forsake you.” At times, that has to be answer enough. Like Job, we come to the painful but liberating conclusion that God is God and we are not. He does not owe us any answers. He is not Google. He is God. And He alone is enough!


Are you in a season of questioning? Rest. Be Still. Set aside your agenda of needing to know, of transactional bargaining, of needing an answer. Sit in the promise of His presence! He is there always, even when He isn’t speaking. In fact, His silence may be His answer. He just wants to behold you, to sit quietly with you, holding you in the palm of His right hand, with you, your pain, and your suffering.


The answer is just to behold Him as He beholds you!

Be encouraged. Be blessed.

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