“In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears” (Psalm 18:6).
“No worries, sweetie. I’m always hear for you,” I texted my daughter recently when she apologized for text-venting to me about her awful day.
She texted back, “Don’t you mean “here”?
I looked at my typo and laughed. It was a mistake, of course. Or was it?
As a mom, I want to be available to my three children whenever they need me, whether it is to lend a listening ear or to be present physically (or metaphorically, since this particular daughter lives in another state). I want to hear them and be here for them.
That typo reminded me of God and that He, as our loving, caring Father, is the same. He always hears us. His gracious, sympathetic ears are always attentive to our cries, pleas, petitions, and confessions. God’s ears are always available, open and waiting to hear from His children. He longs to hear our sorrows, our anguishes, our joys, and triumphs and invites us to pour our hearts out to him, good and bad.
And being omnipresent, He is also always here with us, watching over us, guiding us, sanctifying us, even singing over us as His beloved ones.
What a comfort both of those words—hear and here—bring to me, and I hope to you, too. In both senses, He shows Himself to be faithful. And I’m forever grateful.
Be encouraged. Be blessed.