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Denise Kohlmeyer

2 Corinthians 12:9


God’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses, whatever they may be.

I live with depression every day. It has dogged my every step for eighteen years. How I wish I could be rid of it and live out from under a constant cloud of melancholy.

Why, God? Why do I struggle with mental illness? Why can’t I function normally in my mind?

Like Paul, I’ve asked to have this illness removed. I’ve even tried several times to go off of my medication, praying and hoping to be cured. But the depression only worsened, and I was forced to return to my meds.

I’ve come to see, and accept, that God has chosen, in His sovereignty, to allow my illness to persist. “My grace,” He reminds me constantly, “is sufficient, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

That’s the key: It’s all about God, not me. It’s about His power being made perfect through my “weakness” of depression. How?

First, it causes me to lean more into that grace just to get through the day, to be in utter dependence upon Him. Secondly, my illness has allowed me to minister to other women who also struggle with the same malady. Thirdly, and ultimately, my weakness puts God’s power and glory on display.

So, my prayer now echoes Paul’s: “Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses (my depression), so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

What is your “weakness”? Whatever it is, learn to live daily in God’s all-sufficient grace, so that His power may be perfected through your weakness.

Be blessed,


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