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Denise Kohlmeyer

It's in the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit that we see the perfect out-workings of unity. While they are separate and distinct Beings, they don't compete with one another but complement each other in their unique roles of saving, sustaining, and sanctifying believers.

As believers, separate and distinct, we are called to model our lives after the behavior of the Trinity, based on Ephesians 4:2, "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." As we surrender our heart daily to the leading of the Spirit, we can express Christ-like love, show compassion, and exist in harmony with one another, even when we disagree.

But how is this unity expressed practically?

Unity in Creation (Genesis 1-3)

Through God, we are all--believers and unbelievers alike--created in HIs image. We all--regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, or gender--are image-bearings of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We each have a will, express emotions, have a mind that seeks after and exercises knowledge.

Unity of the Mind (Philippians 2:5-8)

Those in Christ have the mind of Christ. We think of ourselves and of others as Christ does, with humility, compassion, and love. Our minds seek to know and do God's will. We understand God's plans for this world and work faithfully to bring them about.

Unity of Salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9)

In Christ, we are all one. Believers all share in the saving grace, kindness, and mercy of God.

Unity in our Treatment of Others (John 13:34; Matthew 9:36; Ephesians 4:32; Romans 12:18)

As believers, we treat everyone as equals, as those who all have value in God's sight. We treat no one as more inferior or superior than another. We love and serve everyone equally, unconditionally, and sacrificially.

Ultimately, our unity strengthens the bond between believers, it glorifies the Trinity as we model their example, and it speaks a powerful witness to a disunified world.

Be blessed. Be encouraged.

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